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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Documentary Brainstorm Part 2

"Life in Space" Documentary:

Why should this story be told: The future of humankind might depend on moving to outer space in the future and I think more people knowing about the possibilities and risks is a good thing.

I want people to know more and care more about the possibility of life in space when they're finished watching the documentary.

Question 1) Where can we live in space?
Question 2) Has there been a place where humankind could live?
Question 3) Why should we research life in space?
Question 4) What are the risks of life in space?
Question 5) When should we consider pursuing this?

"Why Gaming is Popular" Documentary:

Lots of misconceptions about gaming (leads towards aggressive behavior, addiction, etc...) that I want to clear up by showing hard facts that tell us that not only does it not necessarily lead to aggressive behavior, it can actually be beneficial to the people playing the games.

What I want people to take away from this documentary is new knowledge about this form of entertainment and to clear misconceptions.

Question 1) Why do you play video games?
Question 2) Does it inspire you in your art?
Question 3) How/Why not?
4) Show how video games can have a positive influence on players
5) Why do people make games?

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