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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Film Review #21: Sherlock Series 3


Two years after the end of Series 2 we were left with an important question we just couldn't wait to get an answer for: how did Sherlock Holmes survive his seemingly deadly fall? And what happens next? We finally get an answer to these questions in Series (Season) 3 of BBC's Sherlock, and boy is this new Series good.

Something I noticed when watching the first episode was the difference in style: the show wasn't the same as it was in the first Series. Instead of focusing on the mysteries that need to be solved, Series 3 focuses on Sherlock's relationship and growth as a character which thought was an excellent choice and was made possible thanks to Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman's brilliant performances as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson respectively.

The three episodes' production quality were outstanding and the episodes never bored you during their hour and a half run time. The final episode really made me excited as to where the show will go next and hopefully  this time it won't be too long until we get to see Sherlock again.

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