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Friday, May 2, 2014

Film Review #32 - The Wolf of Wall Street

     The Wolf of Wall Street. I don't know what I was expecting going in. Crazy stuff sure, but to this extent? Hell no. And I LOVED it. Leonardo DiCaprio kills it as Jordan Belfort, and his journey from struggling middle-class worker to "The Wolf of Wall Street" is engaging, laugh out loud funny at times, but also oftentimes dramatic. An interesting technique used in the film is when Jordan talks directly to the camera, explaining to us what's going to happen next (before cutting himself short, saying 'but no one gives a shit about that, the point is...'). Breaking the fourth wall is a bold move, but it works great in this movie. The shots are beautiful, the editing is great, the performances from the multiple different actors are amazing... There's just a lot to say about Martin Scorsese's talents as a director. I wasn't bored for one minute during the 3 hours (!) run time. I highly recommend the movie.

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