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Friday, April 25, 2014

Film Review #31 - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

     After a bit disappointing Thor sequel, Captain America makes his return on the big screen in the post Avengers era of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in The Winter Soldier, which is one of Marvel's best films to date. Now I haven't seen The First Avenger, but The Winter Solider is more of a standalone film, with the references being explained through flashbacks. The story itself is insane, and in a good way. The risks it takes with the MCU is surprising, and the events will surely have dramatic consequences on the future Marvel movies (in fact it's already affected ABC's Agents of SHIELD, a TV show based in the same universe). It's gripping, exciting, and well written, and allows for some fantastic set pieces visually impressive moments. A minor gripe I have is that the actual "Winter Solider" isn't really present in the movie that much. He shows up, causes trouble, and leaves. Rinse and repeat. It's only after his identity is revealed that he appears more often, but he's still not involved enough in the plot for the movie to be subtitled after him.
     I don't know how Marvel's going to top this one off. They've got plenty in store - plans for movies up to 2020 if I remember correctly - but I hope it's as good or better than this. I'm definitely excited for the future of these movies.

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