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Friday, April 4, 2014

Film Review #29 - How I Met Your Mother Season 9

     Nine years after How I Met Your Mother graced our TV screens, the comedy series comes to a long overdue close. So how was the final season overall? To put it in one word: disappointing. You have to commend the writers for trying out a new style of storytelling for sitcoms (that is, cramming an entire weekend into one season) but it mostly fails to stay relevant to the overall plot. So many episodes are just filler episodes and aren't even that funny. When the episodes are relevant to the plot however, it really reminds me of the early seasons of the show. In the end though, the season is invalidated by the first 10 minutes of the finale.
     Let's talk about the final episode. Since it's aired, fans have taken to Twitter to either say how much they loved it or hated it. I believe the finale was very good and satisfying, the main problems coming from the structure and content of the final season itself rather than the final episode. So much happens in that final episode that you could make an entire season about it, which is what they should have done instead of focusing the entire season on an event that takes about 48 hours.
     How I Met Your Mother will be missed, but it was about time that the show ended. Kudos to the writers for sticking with the ending they planned 9 years ago, and I hope the spinoff "How I Met Your Dad" isn't terrible. Will have to keep an open mind about it.

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