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Friday, April 11, 2014

Film Review #30 - Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories HD (PS3)

      An HD remastering of a remake of a Gameboy Advance game. At this point, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories has been on three platforms: the original GBA game, the PS2 remake, and the HD remastering included in the 1.5 HD ReMIX collection on PS3! The game was a significant departure from the original game back when it was originally released. Instead of an action game with some RPG elements, the combat system was based around cards. The system definitely has a learning curve, but once you learn it's intricacies and how to build a good deck, you'll be having a lot of fun during the 20-30 hours it takes to beat Sora's campaign. Once you beat it, another campaign unlocks: Reverse / Rebirth, where you play as Riku and get to see his side of the story. This campaign lasts from about 6-8 hours and is fairly similar to Sora's campaign. You go through all the same worlds, fight the same bosses and go through the same rooms as you always do thanks to the map cards. These worlds are shorter though, due mostly to the fact that the Disney side-stories in these worlds have been cut. The combat is also more action oriented, you're forced to use a premade deck that doesn't include any magic spells, and you don't have any sleights (combinations of cards that activate a special move) but this is offset by the awesome "Dark Mode" version of Riku, and the Duels.

     Story-wise, it's very much a Kingdom Hearts game. It's nonsensical and crazy, but effectively tugs at your heartstrings during it's emotional moments. It also ties Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 perfectly, making the convoluted story easier to understand when you boot up the sequel. It's a beautiful looking game with a great soundtrack, a good story, and a robust battle system that changes up the formula. It's definitely worth checking out, though probably only if you've played the first Kingdom Hearts game.

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